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Pencil is an AI-powered tool that utilizes branding, assets, and data to create static and video ads in various aspect ratios. Designed primarily for ecommerce brands and performance agencies, it helps in automating the creative process for ad testing and optimization.


Key Features
Ad Generation Automation
Generate static & video ads automatically.
Easy Asset Integration
Connect branding, images, and videos easily.
Ad Performance Predictions
Run top-performing creatives based on $1B ad spend data.
Real-Time Ad Editing
Edit ads for performance testing in real time.
Ad Performance Insights
See what elements work in your ads.
Performance Sector Benchmarks
Compare your performance against your sector.


$119/mo (7 day trial)

Generate ads yourself with AI

50 exports (add exports $10)

1 brand (add brands $119/mo)

Free stock music, images & video

Predictions, insights & benchmarks

Sharing, commenting & approvals

Direct channel integrations

Chat support



Everything in "Self-Serve" plus

Shared Creative Strategist

Ads made by Creative Strategist

1 brief/week to Creative Strategist

Slack with Creative Strategist

100 exports (add exports $10)

1 brand (add brands $249/mo)



Everything in "Hybrid" plus

Dedicated Creative Strategist

Ads made by Creative Strategist

1 brief/day to Creative Strategist

Unlimited exports

Custom pricing for multiple brands

Bank transfers & payment terms

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