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SEO.ai is an artificial intelligence-powered platform that performs keyword research, creates auto-generated articles, and conducts SEO Score audits. It provides different plans, including a free 7-day trial, to assist users in optimizing their content for search engines.


Key Features
SEO Content Generation
Produce SEO-rich content with minimal human effort.
AI Keyword Analysis
AI-powered tools for targeted keyword analysis.
SERP Content Gap Analysis
Explore Google's algorithm to find content gaps.
Google EEAT Alignment
Align content with Google’s expertise, authority, trust.
Competitor Keyword Discovery
Uncover and target competitor's keywords.
Rich Format Content Creation
Generate articles with bullets, quotes, headings.
AI-Driven SEO Ranking
Use data insights for better Google rankings.

7-day trial


2 auto-generated articles

10 SEO Score audits

AI-powered keyword research

10,000 AI-written words

Basic Plan

$49 / mo

5 auto-generated articles

40 SEO Score audits

AI-powered keyword research

Unlimited AI-written words

Plus Plan

$99 / mo

25 auto-generated articles

100 SEO Score audits

AI-powered keyword research

Unlimited AI-written words

Visit SEO.ai

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